
Posted by Cracks Let The Light Come In , Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:41 PM

Today, while I was working and running things from place to place, I was walking back to the EAC. It had just rained and was quite humid. I got to the top of the stairs outside of the building and a gust of wind hit me. For a moment, just a small, tiny second in my day, I was transported thousands of miles away to a land that I love oh, so much. My heart and mind launched out of me and I stood there motionless remembering. I have no idea where that smell came from-the distinct smell of fish paste. But it was there. It was hot out today, too. So it even felt like Cambodia. For just a second, I was reminded what it will feel like next semester when I'm there.

I feel so restless. I want to be there, but I know I need to be here right now. I was told once that I God had anointed me for this- for this mission, for this calling. I half laughed it off half peed my pants. But I know it's true.

Today? Today I longed for the smell of fish, the feeling of heat coming through my shoes, the sound of laughing little girls, and the land of Cambodia.


Posted by Cracks Let The Light Come In , Saturday, September 4, 2010 10:10 PM

I am a melancholy. And in recent days, the word reigns ever so true in my life. The life seems to be sucked out of me when I am around people. Or, at least people that are in groups of more than 4 people.

I just feel suffocated.