Beyond Ready.

Posted by Cracks Let The Light Come In , Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:15 AM

I'm ready to go. I'm ready for next semester. I'm broken, so what? My heart aches and longs for something more. Something more than this mundane existence. I hurt when I'm here and when I ignore my passions I become angry and stagnant. I would much rather be aware and in pain than be still and worthless.

Blue Colored Glasses

Posted by Cracks Let The Light Come In , Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:24 AM

Is there such a thing as blue colored glasses? I think there must be. And I think I've been wearing them for the last few weeks. I haven't felt this way in SO long. I feel oppressed and so down. Everything bothers me and everything sadness me. My heart is so heavy and I feel burdens from everywhere. Not just mine, but I feel as though I am carrying everyone else's...even though they didn't ask me to. But I was just sitting here thinking that it's all a matter of perspective. I've been down in the dumps and have felt pelted from every direction for weeks. But why? The only reason I can think of is because Satan wants to get a hold of me because I'm about to do something HUGE with my life. This doubt and fear that has glazed over my joy and passions is all Satan's lies. I see my friends going through the same thing, and I want to yell, "WAKE UP! GOD HAS SOMETHING HUGE PLANED FOR YOU! DON'T YOU SEE IT?"... But... I don't see it. And I'm the one sending out support letters and giving the talk every time someone asks me about my internship. People keep telling me they see joy and they see my passion for what God has called me to. I want to know what they see and why I can't see it. I can recognize it in other people and can point it out to them and have the hardest time with why they are doubting because I KNOW they are going to do beautiful and marvelous things if they only took off the blue colored glasses.

But who am I to talk? I am such a hypocrite! I talk all day about my passions and cry about them all night because I'm so confused and hurting. I want it all to end, but following Jesus isn't supposed to be easy. I signed up for hardships, persecution, doubt. But I also signed up for endless love, mercy and grace. In the midst of my tears in the middle of the night, I am being held. And I know that my friends are too. Oh, how I wish they could see it. I wish the doubting could end. For all of us. It's everywhere! Satan wants a stronghold. And for some of us, he is getting it. But I'm tired of his lies. And as much as it hurts and as hard it is, I'm going to resist him. He is NOT my God. He knows that, and that's why he's trying so hard right now to oppress me. It's been working for the last few weeks... but not any longer.

No more blue colored glasses.

Don't Know What to Call This

Posted by Cracks Let The Light Come In , Saturday, October 23, 2010 8:05 AM

I feel like my best friends are being taken away from me. No matter how hard I try, I can't be with them.. and when I do, it's by default like a class or something. I have mixed feelings about going on this internship next semester, and none are small and quiet. The ones regarding my friends? 1. Let them go now and say goodbye because I basically already have. 2. Or keep fighting, and keep getting hurt until I only get to see them being swept away by the annoying crazy all over again.

Anyway.. I'm traveling with Tour Choir this morning. For that, I am glad. I need time away where the Choir can bond and be a family. Hopefully I get to see Kendra! That would be super! :) Well.. It's almost time to go, so I guess I shall do just that.

Spoon-fed vs. Spilling Over

Posted by Cracks Let The Light Come In , Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:54 PM

I should be doing homework, but something is overcoming me. Audra is calling it "hopelessness". We both have it, and it's contagious. I agree. So much is changing. Life, classes, people, ministries, churches, view points.. I'm not sure where to go or what to believe. I feel much like I did in my last post. I feel as though I'm stuck in a time loop, but this time it's a nostalgic, I'm going away forever, I feel. I'm afraid of letting my feelings catch up with me, so I keep going at an unrealistic pace. It seems funny that I, the one who always talks of slowing down being so beneficial, am running myself into the ground. It's as thought my heart is heavy but I am filled with joy for new things to come. I guess that's what happens when you become older. Life changes, and so do people.

I'm missing out on some things, but am taking advantage of others. I'm not sure if I've picked the right things, but I think I have. I think when I get back form my internship, I'm going to be missing out on friendships that I feel.. that I've abandoned? after I left them to go on my internship. But the call, that God has put in my life, and the tug He has put on my heart I can't forget. It is what I've been called to. (Despite what others say and if they decided it is a "calling" or not).

I've been doubting so much. Everything I know, I feel I've been spoon fed. What am I to do about the knowledge I have and am supposed to believe when I don't trust the sources they came from? God's love is supposed to overwhelm me, envelope me and cause me to spill over with joy and love. Where is that? Where am I fitting in in all of this?